MPM ® - Master Project Manager
This graduate certification and program is designed to take Project Management competencies of the delegates to the level where they will become comfortable with running multinational, multimillion dollar projects. Final Certification exam will test delegates in all aspects of Project Management, from Staff recruitment through to International relocations and organizational Theory (Traditional versus Modern Companies and the challenges of managing projects in such diverse environments) Requires degree or equivalent.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
CIPM ® - Certified International Project Manager
Project Management is growing exponentially. It's now used in virtually all industries, such as: government, healthcare, telecom, IT, education and banking. Effective project management and people management is how these organizations streamline to improve productivity. As businesses are restructured, project managers take over many responsibilities. Expertise in project management is a source of security, prosperity and power to many companies. This is a 'flagship' course and is internationally popular.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
CPC - Certified Procurement Analyst and Project Manager
In recent years, procurements has continued to be a key facet of Project Management.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
CPE - Certified Planning Engineer
Project Planning and Engineering have allowed the AAPM to be the first to have a Project Engineer Designation.
Category : Elective Modules, Project Management
CPC ™ - Certified Project Consultant - Budgeting Analyst
The skills Project Managers spend the most time on are scope and budget. This certification and the course professional development are key drivers for PM success.
Category : Elective Modules, Project Management
MQM ™ - Master Quality Manager
The MQM is the first Graduate Designation and Masters Certification in Quality Control.
Category : Elective Modules, Project Management
CPRM ™ - Certified Project Risk Manager
Designed for project and risk practitioners within the business who are involved in formalizing or implementing processes of risk management within the scope of projects. The program reviews critical analysis techniques of business decision making and enabling the process of risk taking within the scope of projects. GAPM 's Registered Project Risk Analyst programme examines the risks that are routinely encountered by project managers and introduces tools, techniques and effective strategies to manage risk.
Category : Elective Modules, Project Management
CHRA ™ - Certified Human Resources Analyst or CHR Certified in Human Resources
In furtherance to the PM programs, HR certification with a PM underpinning has created a certification with the top standards in the field..
Category : Elective Modules, HR Project Management
AgCC™ - Agile Communications Certification - Certified Agile Project Manager
As project managers, your ability to communicate and manage change are key elements for on-time, on-budget projects which mitigate risks, magnify quality and deliver scope that exceeds expectations. After four days, you will not only grasp the necessary components of Agile Project Management, but will augment this understanding with seriously simple tools and templates. The authors and creators of the tools that are now easing burdens and delivering successful results all over the world will teach the course.
Category : Elective Modules, Agile Project Management
PME - Project Manager E-Business
The intention of this designation is to recognize the analysts and professionals who meet a demanding requirements of managing e-business teams and leading project teams. Persons who apply for PME must have taken our executive course or have outstanding qualifications and experience and a college education.
Category : Elective Modules, Project Management
CPC TM - Negotiations & Conflict Resolution Specialist
Legal, scope, contracts and negotiations are key to projects and business. No need to go to law school, but this VIP program can save you millions by avoiding mistakes for your company or firm.
Category : Elective Modules, Project Management
CEC TM - Certified E-Commerce Consultant
E-Business involves management, planning, IT and many other factors. This program is the first e-Business Certification in the world for college educated professionals.
Category : Elective Modules, Project Management
QBC TM - Qualified Business Coach
Coaching is a key attribute to planning.
Category : Project Management, Project Management
CMPM TM - Certified Master Project Manager
In addition to the MPM, you can earn the Certified MPM>
Category : Project Management, Project Management
CIPMTM - Certified International Project Manager
Combining all the elements of the internationally successful GAPM CIPMTM certification, this specialized curriculum was invented in the United States and this copyrighted professional development program can be licensed out to many providers.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
Custom Certification - Custom Certifications Available
We can design a new certification program for you and your team.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
CPRATM - Certified Project Risk Analyst
Designed for project and risk practitioners within the business who are involved in formalizing or implementing processes of risk management within the scope of projects. The program reviews critical analysis techniques of business decision making and enabling the process of risk taking within the scope of projects. GAPM 's Registered Project Risk Analyst program examines the risks that are routinely encountered by project managers and introduces tools, techniques and effective strategies to manage risk.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
CGCMTM - Certified Global Change Manager
Mastering change and having the ability to adapt is key to corporate success.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
CMA TM - Certified Marketing Analyst
This designation covers issues of marketing for managers and project managers. It covers traditional and internet marketing.
Category : Project Management, Elective Modules
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